Things to note before you book a session with Purely Serene
1) YES, what is on the schedule is the ONLY availability that works for both our schedules; all sessions are done together. We tend to be booked 1-2 months out, so please do not wait to book a session if you know you need one, or will need one soon - BOOK IT ASAP.
2) Our service is something we prepare for (fasting/dieting/isolating/mediating/decompressing/etc.) and our time and availability is NOT flexible… So apologies but, no, we cannot squeeze you in… Again, what’s on the schedule is what we have available. If there’s nothing open, then our books are full. We really want to help you, but do have time/schedule restraints and feel awful when we can’t make time for emergencies we really don’t have the bandwidth for 😕. So please, book your session in advance, not when it’s an emergency!
3) We do not do sessions or teach classes for a living. We prefer not to monetize the service we provide. But we do, however, charge for our time and the RESPECT for our time AND service. We would honestly prefer to do sessions for free if people respected FREE… We have hosted many free sessions/workshops in the past that some people didn’t show up for, which is why we charge. Anywho… just thought we’d share my stance on monetizing God given gifts…
4) Due to limited availability and the time and prepping we do for EVERY session. Yes, we require a non-refundable retainer fee. If it’s not paid at the time you book your session… That time/date you requested for will remain available to others until a retainer fee is received to lock the date down. Also, there’s no rescheduling or transferring your retainer fee to another date. (Our schedule is very limited).
5) We do not time our sessions. If it takes us 30 min - 3 hours… it’s going down, we’re not clock watching… Typically our sessions last 1 hour to 1 hour 30 min. But we do not stop until we’re at a good place, not when the timer stops.
6) If you do not believe in Jesus Christ or you’re not open to meeting and receiving him and The Holy Spirit… We’d suggest you book with other healers… We may not be your cup of tea - and that’s OK!