A lawyer shouldn’t be ashamed when they need to be represented...
A dentist shouldn’t be ashamed when they need a cleaning...
A priest shouldn’t be ashamed when they need to repent and ask for forgiveness...
& A healer shouldn’t feel ashamed when they need healing...
The lesson here is, you can have all the knowledge in the world and be the champion in your field or line of work. But don’t let your “knowledge”, ego and pride imprison you in a matrix where you think you shouldn’t need or want help outside of yourself... Don’t let the FEAR of not having it all together & not having all the answers (all the time) give you the false pretense that you’ll be discredited in your integrity. Don’t punish and annex yourself for simply being HUMAN (a flawed being). No one is immune from needing help, no matter how gifted or knowledgeable they are.
